Posy Bouquet


A lovely, petite bouquet, perfect for bridesmaids, junior bridesmaids, and flower girls.

Choose flowers in one of our four signature color combinations: Soft Neutrals, Classic White, Bold & Bright, or Jewel Tones.

And, new for 2023, we’re offering six limited-edition colors: Pops of Paradise, Walking on Sunshine, Peaches & Cream, Pretty in Pink, Lavender Haze, and Rainbow Sorbet.

Pictured in Classic White, Rainbow Sorbet, Soft Neutrals (with light pink tones), and Soft Neutrals (with light caramel tones, no hints of pink).

The last two bouquets are excellent examples of how we customize our à la carte color palettes to fit the vibe/tone of your wedding. Both are considered “Soft Neutrals,” but one has touches of light pink, and one has touches of caramel/butterscotch.

Please note that the types of flowers and greenery used in each posy bouquet will vary based on seasonality and availability.

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Classic Bouquet
Signature Bouquet