Floral Pickup

Thank you! Your order confirmation should arrive in your email shortly.

You can pick up your Γ  la carte order at our Chapel Hill Design Studio between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. the morning of your event. Please remember that flowers can not be placed in the back of a pickup truck; flowers should always travel in an enclosed, controlled environment.


Directions to our design studio are below, and if you have any questions, or need a different pickup time, please contact christine@wildfloraflowers.com.

GPS should take you right to us--7316 Morrow Mill Road, Chapel Hill 27516 but sometimes, depending on which mapping system you use, it can be a little off. Head down 54 West, and just after passing Piedmont Feed and Garden Center, take the next left onto Morrow Mill Road. 

Go approximately 2 miles (be sure to stay to the right when the road splits) and, after passing Millikan Road, take a left onto our gravel driveway--we have a white sign at the edge of the driveway that says Wild Flora Farm. Our studio is the small white building in the back (with the big glass garage door in front).


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